The history of computer technology has many pages. Sumy State University cares about the preservation of technical devices of the past, which still have not lost their historical value. The museum was founded in 2005.

The Museum of Computer Technology, which operates on the base of SumDU, has about 500 exhibit items. These include electronic computers and server systems, network equipment, calculators of different generations, graphics systems, magnetic tape drives, memory blocks on ferrite rings, perforators, and others.

The oldest device presented in the museum is an arithmometer "Felix" of the 1950s. The United System of Electronic Computers attracts attention, its analogs served the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980 and were used in all Soviet productions.

The visitors admire the devices of the first “Nairi” and “Promin” computers in the university, “Iskra-1030” and “Istra” personal computers, rare “mice” and floppy disks, projection systems, and others.

The museum walls have information boards with the history of computer technology, portraits and biographies of prominent scientists, the stages of development of the information and telecommunication system of SumDU.

The idea of creating a museum appeared in 2003 since merging the IT laboratories of SumDU into the center of computer technologies.

The exhibition is open to the public in the Central building, room 231. (Working hours: on request)

Contact information:

Coordinator - Andrii Piven

2 Rymskogo-Korsakova Str., Sumy, 40007

Room 231, 2nd floor, Central Building, 

Tel.: +380542 687733

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine
  Main Building, room 308, 309,
40007 Sumy, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]



  International Students Office:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 337114
E-mail: [email protected]
  International Affairs Department:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 331081
E-mail: [email protected]