The mission of the University Psychological Counseling service is to create an environment that fosters student growth, development, and psychological well-being.

UPCS assists students in resolving personal difficulties and in acquiring the skills, attitudes, and resources necessary to succeed in both the university environment and after graduation, so they can pursue productive and satisfying lives.

University Psychological Counseling service is provided by counseling psychologists, who have appropriate education levels and who value different perspectives and professional views.

Our specialists: 

Paraskovia Sakhno
Lyudmyla Kolisnyk
Hanna Chernyakova
Svitlana Khvostova

SumDU Psychological Counseling Service informs: the quarantine conditions

We assist with both the personal and professional development of university faculty and staff as well.

Our goal is to promote the development of the full potential of students, staff, and faculty.

  • Personal counseling
  • Couples counseling
  • Crisis intervention
  • Interest, abilities, and personality testing
  • Educational workshops and presentations
  • Consultation and educational outreach
  • Referral service
  • Conduct, support, and disseminate research
  • Provides an opportunity to resolve personal and interpersonal issues
  • Offers a safe place to explore issues and receive feedback
  • Helps with resolving feelings from the past
  • Helps you learn new skills and ways of looking at situations
  • Helps you to develop more effective coping strategies
  • Reveals your inner resources
  • Generally consists of one-on-one meetings with a counselor that lasts for 50 minutes
  • Counselors are non-judgmental, objective, professional, and experienced helpers.
  • Psychologists value individual and cultural differences with a commitment to human rights and equality.
  • Counselors try to make you comfortable in talking -- they understand and help with your initial anxiety.
  • Counseling involves the concerns and problems of mentally healthy students.
  • Lots of students are using Counseling Services.
  • Initiating counseling and remaining in counseling is voluntary.
  • All counseling and consultation services are private and confidential. No information is released to anyone without written consent (the only exceptions are those rare times when it is clear that a person's life is in danger).
  • Counseling and other UPCS services are free of charge.
  • Services are available in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.

To begin individual counseling at UPCS, the first step is to schedule a meeting with a UPCS staff member for an initial consultation appointment. The purpose of this appointment is to provide an opportunity for you to discuss your concerns with a UPCS staff member and to arrive at a mutually agreeable course of action to address your concerns. A counselor may meet with you on a regular basis and listen to you and help you with your concerns. The actual consultation typically lasts 45 to 50 minutes. Our services are short-term in nature: sometimes it takes one meeting to get help. But most students receive between three and eight sessions of counseling.

If you would like to see a counselor, please feel free to call, write an e-mail or stop by our office (see contacts below).


  • Adjusting to university
  • Anger management
  • Anxiety management
  • Depression management
  • Stress management
  • Grief and loss issues
  • Gender issues
  • International student concerns
  • Diversity issues
  • Homesickness
  • Pain management/chronic illness
  • Questioning your identity
  • Self-confidence / self-esteem problems
  • Loneliness
  • Concerns about body image, eating problems, and weight
  • Thinking or talking about suicide
  • Motivation and goal setting
  • Decision-making dilemmas.
  • Building interpersonal relationships
  • Long-distance relationships
  • Conflict resolution
  • Roommate problems
  • Finding time to meet family commitments and obligations
  • Helping a friend in distress
  • Communication skills
  • Effective reading and studying
  • Getting more from your lectures and discussions
  • Learning styles
  • Memory and learning
  • Personality style and career choice
  • Time management


According to the Regulations:

  • Improve the quality and accessibility of services in the field of applied psychology;
  • Create conditions where people gain knowledge of healthy psychological practices and use the practices appropriately
  • Promote the development of healthy, holistic people in the physical, mental, social and spiritual dimensions;
  • Improve the effectiveness of the educational process by means of applied psychology;
  • Facilitate the creation of optimal conditions for the harmonious and diversified development, self-realization, self-actualization and professional development of students.
  • Provide psychological assistance to students of the University in difficult situations;
  • Psychological enlightenment: promote knowledge of psychology as a desirable and useful practice; provide students, faculty and staff with knowledge about the basics of psychology; increase psychological and pedagogical competence of faculty and staff;
  • Create conditions for the realization of the creative, scientific, personal and intellectual potential of students, alumni and faculty;
  • Psychological support of the educational process;
  • Psychological support of student personality development;
  • Implement adaptation and psychoprophylaxis practices;
  • Monitor the current socio-psychological problems of the student population and provide timely responses;
  • Prepare young people for independent life after graduation;
  • Create a positive moral and psychological climate for students' groups.
  • Voluntary participation;
  • Confidential work;
  • Person-oriented approach to working with clients;
  • Encourage active participation for those who use psychological services;
  • Stimulate a desire for self-improvement and self-education in clients.
  • Individual counseling for students, faculty, and staff. Psychological counseling is a psychological interaction with the client, in which problems and solutions are defined; new models of behavior are formed. The person receives psychological support and peace of mind.
  • Psychological diagnostics (individual and group); psycho-diagnostic work involves performing various tests and questionnaires (to identify individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, mental abilities, etc.).
  • Psycho-correction work is aimed at helping people overcome the negative issues and influences in various aspects of their life (in university, family, and social environments) and developing people's abilities and skills.
  • Self-enlightenment work – clarify people's current psychological issues, and increase their psychological knowledge and ability to use that knowledge appropriately
  • Psycho-preventive work - is aimed at preserving mental health; preventing conflict in the educational process, preventing drug addiction, alcoholism, and immoral lifestyles.
  • Research work. Involves psychological and socio-psychological research that students are actively involved in. They are able to publish their results in the form of abstracts or papers, can make presentations at student conferences (including the all-Ukrainian one), write student scientific works, and participate in national student research.
  • Students' socio-psychological adaptation to university life;
  • Healthy lifestyles;
  • Psychology of the personality;
  • Career guidance: assisting in the professional and personal self-determination of students;
  • Psychological help in overcoming personal crisis;
  • Socio-psychological help for the student's family;
  • Psychological assistance to parents in their dealings with their children;
  • Participation in the implementation of grant projects on different themes - providing psychological services for projects.
  • The Constitution of Ukraine.
  • Ukraine's laws, in particular, the laws "On education" and "On Higher Education".
  • Regulations about psychological service in the education system of Ukraine of 03.05.99, № 127 and 922/4215 and amended on 07/06/01, № 439 and 570/5761 to the Regulation of psychological service in the education system of Ukraine.
  • Regulations about psychological service – Order/decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 02.07.2009 № 616 registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 23.07.2009, № 687/16703.
  • Acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

UPCS is part of the Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Innovative Social Technologies.

UPCS is supervised by the Head of the Humanitarian Policy Coordination Center Nina Svitaylo.

The purpose of UPCS, its main tasks, basic principles, aspects of work, forms of work, and activities are defined by the Regulations about Psychological Service.

Contact information:

Sumy State University
2, Rymskogo-Korsakova st.,
40007, Sumy, Ukraine
The Main Building, Room 704
The New Academic Building, Rooms 304, 316
Tel: +38 0542 687906+38 050 5437890
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management
57, Petropavlivska st., K-2 Building, Room K2-233
Tel: +38050 5437890
40030, Sumy, Ukraine
Congress Center, Room 158
Tel: +380542 665081
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

116, Kharkivska st., 59, Petropavlivska St.,
  40007, 40014 Sumy, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]



  International Students Office:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 337114
E-mail: [email protected]
  International Affairs Department:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 331081
E-mail: [email protected]