The activity of the Department is aimed to place students in the residences and to evict them from there, to provide control and order in the residences, to improve the dwelling conditions, to organize the students’ leisure time.
Head of the Department – Oksana M. Vernydub
All the students living in the residences have their personal passes they use to enter the residence. Residences are guarded, workers stay in the residences from 8.00 a.m. till 11.00 p.m. These measures help to prevent unauthorized access to the residences.
At the beginning of the classes, different meetings take place. The participants of these meetings are the students, the vice-deans of the faculties for work in the residences, residence administrators, residence workers, the heads of the student councils in the residences. The students obtain information about their rights and duties, the rules of behavior in the residences, and information about leisure time organization.
Every September the elections of student councils of the faculties and residences are carried out. The meetings of the students' councils in the residences take place every week where the questions about student's life and leisure time are discussed.
Foreign students who study at Sumy State University live in residences №3, №4, and №5. Everyone who wants to live in a residence is provided with comfortable living conditions and all the needments. An experienced psychologist and highly professional specialists work with foreign students helping to adjust to their life in Ukraine and in the residences in particular. The representatives of about 70 nationalities live in the residences of SumDU, the university popularizes a friendly treatment of the people of different nations and religions, with respect to their traditions and customs.
At the beginning of the academic year, students of all residences have meetings with Vice Deans dealing with residences, the Residence Administration, co-workers of the Organization of Educational Work in a Residence, the Heads of Residences, and the Student Council. The purpose of such meetings is to acquaint the students with their rights and duties, safety rules, behavior rules, and the organization of recreational activities in their free time.
In September the elections of the faculty and the Residence Student Council’s staff are held. Every week the Residence Student Council holds a meeting, during which they discuss students’ everyday life, free time, etc. The administration systematically controls and checks the sanitary state of rooms and places of common use as well as how well students keep to the hygienic norms. Based on the points, given to the students for keeping their accommodation clean, the competitions in the best room and the best residence are held.
The Residence Student Council is deeply involved in the organization of educational work in residences. All students move in only if it’s approved by the Student Council staff. The cases of breaking the rules of living in a residence are reviewed in the presence of the representatives of the Student Union, the Residence Student Council, and the Campus Student Council.
In order to organize recreational activities for the students who live in the residences, a number of sports, cultural and educational events are held. The Student Council organizes intellectual games between teams from different residences, discos devoted to New Year’s Day, the 8th of March, the Students’ Day, the Fall Day, etc. The winners are awarded honorable diplomas and valuable prizes. During the academic year, students attend lectures concerning the following topics: “Legal aspects of student life”, “Prevention of crime, alcoholism, and assault among the youth” etc. Students meet with psychologists, lawyers, doctors.
Students and the university administration representatives organize a so-called “round table”, which takes place once or twice a year. They discuss various up-to-date questions about life in a residence. Residency Student Council is the body that usually organizes the above-mentioned events.
Contact Information:
2, Rymskogo-Korsakova St.,
40007, Sumy, Ukraine
The Main Building, Room 413.
Tel.: +380542 641287 Oksana M. Vernydub
The department collaborators:
- In Ukrainian students affairs – 5 Zamostyanska Str., Residence № 2, Room 206
Tel.: +380542 365077;
- In foreign students affairs – 7 Zamostyanska Str., Residence № 3, Room 104
Tel.: +380542 365083
Department of Work with the Students in Residences
2, Rymskogo-Korsakova St.,
40007, Sumy, Ukraine
The Main Building, Room 413.
Tel.: +380542 641287, +380542 330390.
Department collaborators: 5 Zamostyanska Str., Residence № 2, Room 206.