Code of Corporate Culture of Sumy State University

General requirements to the structure, content, and design of the work programme of the academic discipline

Regulation on Academic Integrity and Ethics of Academic Relations at Sumy State University

Regulation on academic mobility of higher education learners

Regulation on educational programmes of higher education of Sumy State University

Оrder on the measures to prevent corruption

Code of the Academic Integrity

Regulation on the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Regulation on the establishment and organization of the Selection Committees of Sumy State University for certification of applicants for higher education

Regulation on the organization of inclusive education for applicants for higher education at Sumy State University

Regulation on the procedure for training applicants for higher education according to an individual schedule

Regulation on the organization of assessment by applicants for higher education

Regulation on the transfer of learning outcomes of applicants for the higher education of Sumy State University, obtained in non-formal education

Order on the creation of the university’s Ethics and Conflict Management Committee

Regulation on the Group for Promoting Academic Integrity

Regulation on the Expert Councils of Employers of Sumy State University

Regulation on advanced training of SumDU employees, pedagogical and scientific staff of other educational institutions at Sumy State University

Regulation on Transfer, Expulsion and Reinstatement of Applicants in Sumy State University

Regulation on the Center for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Sumy State University

Regulation on the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Sumy State University

Regulation on the organization of the educational process

Regulation on the quality assurance system of higher


116, Kharkivska st., 59, Petropavlivska St.,
  40007, 40014 Sumy, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]



  International Students Office:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 337114
E-mail: [email protected]
  International Affairs Department:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 331081
E-mail: [email protected]